Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sting of the Scorpion

This is a video is one that I found while finding things that I can write on, it tells of a young boy who had an encounter with a scorpion in the Arabian desert. it tells of the boy and his family at an overnight camping trip, being raised in the Arabian Peninsula, he had often been told to always wear his shoes, he understood why. He knew that shoes would protect his feet against the many threats to be found in the desert, such as snakes, scorpions, and thorns. That next morning, the young man decides that he wants to look around and instead of doing what his parents had told him, he disregarded their warning. Wandering through the desert in flip-flops, a good situation turns into a bad one as this young boy feels a prick in his foot and looks down and to his horror, a scorpion is there at his feet.

Light                        Dark
We all have choices in this life, those choices determine our fate for either good or bad. Good decisions will take us down paths that will be good for us in this life, ones that will keep us away from harm and keep us on safe paths. Bad decisions will do quite the opposite, they will lead you down a path that is unfamiliar to you, get you in a position where you feel trapped and feeling like there is no way out, like being trapped in a deep hole with no way to get out, and the only way out is from someone else, that someone is Jesus Christ. Like the vast differences of something that is Light and something that is Dark.

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